Highly creative studio hindered by massive administrational burden
Qmuli provides a cloud-based solution
Removes all the hassle and complexity
Enables 4 Creative to focus on creative product
Streamlines the end-to-end process
Channel 4 has its own creative agency – 4 Creative. 4 Creative have used Qmuli for many years to assist with the complexities of fulfilling their press and D/OOH (Digital/Out Of Home) campaigns.
Qmuli provides 4 Creative with a custom configured online application, based on Qmuli’s ground-breaking ad.min+ campaign and production management system.
4 Creative provide Qmuli with their media schedules which are rapidly uploaded into the system, with all the information needed to fulfil each job, thus providing 4 Creative with a clear list of production requirements across all their press and D/OOH campaigns.
The system pulls information from ad.lib (Qmuli’s comprehensive specification database which includes thousands of press and D/OOH ad supply details and requirements) in order to supply 4 Creative with the precise details of what, how and when to supply each piece of artwork or digital file.
The production and scheduling complexities of supplying D/OOH and press ads are therefore eradicated allowing 4 Creative to focus on making each ad perfect.