Principal Supplier required to check and validate all press ads coming in
Need for development to integrate with Reach’s ad booking systems
Streamline ad production and copy chasing workflows
Rapid development of ad.sync custom solution
High level of user and publisher support
Qmuli were the only vendor considered for the task
95% of all incoming ads validated against booking
In early 2021 Reach was looking to streamline its press ad workflows and reduce its ad production and copy chasing workload. Qmuli already provided, and still provide, Reach with a dedicated ad delivery portal, for key Reach advertiser clients. Reach came to Qmuli to ask what we might be able to do to help deliver further efficiencies and benefits to Reach across their ad workflows.
Qmuli proposed developing an integrated solution, called ad.sync, which would allow Qmuli to capture Reach’s ad booking information and push that information out to Reach’s advertisers, as well as to the other ad delivery vendors in the UK.
Reach confirmed to Qmuli that they would like to go ahead with Qmuli’s proposed solution in April 2021. Qmuli rapidly developed and tested an end-to-end solution, with tight integration into Reach’s ad booking system, and a comprehensive API for third-party ad delivery vendors.
Reach announced Qmuli as their Principal Supplier in July 2021 and the system went live. All press ads booked via Reach’s national sales office from that date have been delivered via Qmuli, with Qmuli checking and validating all files supplied whether directly or via a third-party ad delivery vendor. Within just three months Reach were receiving over 95% of all files to specification and matched to the correct booking.
Nowadays, this figure is essentially 100% of all ads supplied where a booking exists within Reach’s systems, and Qmuli delivers approximately 70% of all these ads directly, with just 30% coming via a third-party vendor.